
Simplify Your Life

5 Tips for Families

By Jennifer Green February 6, 2016
Is your garage bursting at the seams with all that stuff you don't use anymore? Are your closets full of clothes that still have tags on them?

When we are so focused on keeping up with the Jones' or always having the latest tech gadget in our pocket, we lose touch with what's really important in our lives- our families and our own inner voice. But there are ways that we can simplify our lifestyles so that we can begin to hear ourselves over the constant din of this face-paced, overstimulated modern life we live.
  1. Focus on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking may seem like a great way to get things done, but if we are constantly doing that, we're doing ourselves a huge disservice. Multi-tasking can lead to insomnia due to the increased stimulation that comes along with it. So slow down, and focus on one thing at a time. 
  2. Studies have found that when kids have too many toys to play with, they can't concentrate on one toy and become overwhelmed. This is true for adults, too. Over-stimulation ruins concentration so paring down on the number of toys your kids have, or gadgets you have, can greatly improve your focus.
  3. Less clutter equals more creativity. A number of intriguing studies have found that children play more creatively when their toys are taken away from them. Having less means their imaginations must do the work for them. This same advice applies to adults. Having an uncluttered work space means fewer distractions so creativity is able to flourish. I have put this one into practice and I can honestly say I am able to work for longer periods of time without distraction. 
  4. Wean yourself from the desire to fill your life with possessions. When we let go of the material, we are freed up to study our inner lives. Not only does this help us experience gratitude for what we have but it helps us grow spirituality, and not just with ourselves but with our families as well.  
  5. Fewer possessions can mean more family time. Think about it. The more stuff you have, the more time you have to spend managing it and that means less time for your family.
Ready to de-clutter your life? Consider giving to Goodwill or check out a local consignment shop or sale!